Friday, April 03, 2009

Birthday recap

Roan had a great 2nd birthday yesterday! I wish I could post the photos I captured of her daycare's web cam, but for the privacy of the other families I'm not going to. Picture 10 toddlers sitting together around a big table, with Roan at the head, wearing a paper crown decorated with her handprints and stickers each of the kids picked out. They sang her happy birthday, gave her balloons and a new book and cards signed by her teachers and all the kids. And then, of course, they all got to eat a purple cupcake with rainbow sprinkles on top.

The teachers said she was in the greatest mood all day, as if she just knew it was her day. She was reported at one point yesterday to be sitting in the sandbox singing "Happy birthday to Roan, happy birthday to Roan..."

After school we raced home, where we met Uncle Micah and Aunt Jen for a birthday dinner and a few more presents. I didn't get many still photos because I was mostly taking videos. But here are a couple.

I completely forgot that I knit her a cute little red dress. This is a photo of it before it was finished, just so you can see the details. It ties at the shoulders.

Here she is wearing it. She definitely seemed to like it.

She got some new barettes, some elmo panties, some stickers, lots more new books, a little stuffed octopus (named Inky) and a pink flamingo (named Pinky), the garage toy pictured below, and a few other odds and ends. She was very appreciative. Already Green Eggs and Ham seems to be a new favorite (we listened to Gramps' recording of it on the way to school) and she has been toting Pinky and Inky around with her everywhere. Thanks to everyone who sent cards, gifts, calls and good thoughts. They were all appreciated! I will post some videos as soon as I can.

This morning turned out to be a little more eventful than I bargained for. Arwen woke up feeling badly, so I did the mad scramble to get Roan ready for school solo. When I got back from dropping her off he said, "I've got a present for you, honey." It was a bucket of puke. A very full bucket. At least it made it into the bucket, which is an improvement over the last time he had a tummy bug. Once I finished taking care of that unpleasant mess, I made it downstairs to my desk just in time for an Outlook reminder to pop up. Ding! Roan's 2 year checkup. So I had to run back to the car, take Roan out of school, race over to the Doctor's office and have her appointment. I was in such a hurry I didn't have her diaper bag, so when she begged for snacks and wet her diaper was helpless. Oh well. One shot, a little screaming and one mango lollipop later we were back in the car on our way back to daycare. By the time I managed to sit down at my desk half the day was gone!

But at least I'm feeling better than Arwen is today. He hasn't managed to get off the couch. The bummer is we had a date night planned, with a sitter lined up and everything. Oh well. Roan and I are still going to go for it. He can have a quiet night at home without us, which is probably the nicest thing I can do for him.

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