Friday, August 31, 2007

I did it!

I chopped off all my hair. Yippie!!!! Photos to come soon, as well as updates from Grandma Fifa's visit.


Anonymous said...

Well hooray! I joined you at nearly the same time! Bob chopped off most my hair when my neuropathic feet got so bad I was in a wheelchair and couldn't do much for myself. The long hair was just too much when I showered. No strength to comb it and braid it to get it out of my way. So I'm a shortie now too! Got back on my feet too and so maybe it had the opposite effect of Soloman's experience. Made me stronger and it'll do the same for you, I bet, even as it saves you from the vacuum cleaner! Hooray!

love, monica

Anonymous said...


The suspense is killing me!

Love you guys,

Love, Nuffy