Monday, September 25, 2006


So here they are, the finished product. One pair of booties and one cute little hat to match. I actually finished them days and days ago but I've been too lazy to take a picture. Something new for the hope chest!

Here are a couple more shots of the hat. I'm particularly proud of it, since it was cobbled together partly from a pattern and partly with a little ingenuity. I never thought those triangles would be so tricky! I can't wait to see it live and in person on our little ray of sunshine!

Well anyway... as far as what I'll be knitting next... the results are in. It was a close call, but the frog hat and booties are the clear winner, followed closely by the duck hat & booties. I have to say I was a little surprised by the overwhelming popularity of the froggy set, and also that the bunny hat got no takers (the baby in the picture was sooo cute!). So thanks everyone for voting. I can't wait to get my needles a-clacking again!

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