Sunday, November 01, 2009

happy halloween

This has been fun week. As most everyone knows, last week we got a big snow. It started snowing Tuesday night and kept on going through Thursday. Roan's school was closed on Wednesday, which made work interesting. It's not ideal trying to talk about databases over the phone with whining, crying, and glass breaking in the background (she dropped a bowl).

So I gave up on work and we met our friends Scarlett, Kelsey and Tyler over by REI at the sledding hill. The girls hadn't seen each other in probably a month so it was quite the reunion.

snow at Confluence Park



Friday was Roan's school Halloween parade. That morning she finally broke the news to me that she'd really rather be a fairy ballerina that the cowgirl I had my heart set on. Oh well. She loved her costume, and that's what counts!

Before the school parade

Here are Roan, Claire (Zebra), and Audrey (Snow White)
Halloween parade at school

Saturday was Halloween. So that morning we had some friends over (a LOT of friends!) for a yummy potluck breakfast. There was quiche, fritattta, bacon, pumpkin cream cheese muffins, orange cranberry scones, fruit salad, mimosas, bloody marys, chai lattes, and pumpkin spice lattes. And there were more kids running around than you could shake a stick at. Honestly I'm not sure how we crammed that many people into our house!

Here are most of the kids rounded up before heading out. My attempt at a nice group shot failed utterly, since we couldn't get them all facing the same direction, eyes open, no crying for even a split second!
About to hit Tennyson

After getting our fill we strolled over to Tennsyon for Trick or Treat Street. Roan is not a very strategic trick or treater, which is just fine by me, since I don't really want her to have any candy anyway! I think it took us an hour and a half to go down one side of one block and up the other. It was a GORGEOUS GORGEOUS day though. In fact the whole weekend was.

Happy Halloween!

The Maines'

on Tennyson

Saule and Nicole

After that we decided to head over to the park for some playtime. After all, it's not every day you get to go down the slide dressed up as a fairy ballerina.

By the end of the day we had one very tired trick or treater
sleepy trick or treater

We had a little more fun around the house though...

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