Monday, September 21, 2009

happy birthday McKinna!

Two weekends ago we went to McKinna's birthday party. She turned 2!

There were kites and cupcakes and lots of fun. It all went down at the coolest park in these here parts.

Roan made McKinna a birthday card.

Arwen put to work the principles he's learned building wind turbines in getting a kite flying. He tied the strings from 3 kites together and had it waaaay up there. Condolences to the poor kid whose Elmo kite he swiped. [Can it be my turn to play with the Elmo? Uh no sweetie, Mr. Arwen is still taking a turn] Still a big kid at heart...

Roan really had a great time. It's so cool now that she's at the age where she's really interacting with her friends, not just playing indpendently in their vicinity. Although perhaps she was a little too excited about playing with McKinna...

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