Brief aside: In case you missed it in the last post, I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT!!! Jen and Micah are due at the end of January. YAY!!!! Roan is learning about having a baby cousin. She says she's going to teach baby cousin "how to run real fast." She's also going to teach baby cousin its colors because, according to her, "I know ALL the colors."
You may've noticed that the videos I post end up lagging behind the photos by a week or two. There's just more processing time involved in sorting out the good from the bad and getting 'em posted. So here are some videos from back on our 4th of July camping trip.
Here's Roan feeding the chipmunks at the Anderson's cabin. I did not apparrently manage to capture any of the chipmunks or squirrels on camera, but trust me: they were cute little buggers!
Here's Roan adamant that the chipmunks need to come claim a peanut: "... to get one. They need to come here to get one. Come here to get one! to get one..."
At the campsite: "I'm raking up some mulch." Me: "Do you like camping?" Her: "Yeah. We're going for a hike later."
Down by the Rio Grande: "Ahhh that's cold! Cold! Cold!"
Throwing rocks into the river. She would've been content to hang out there all day. My little nature girl!
Ring around the fire pit. Notice how dirty she is! She was enjoying "falling down", getting her hands dirty and exclaiming "Oh no!" You will also overhear some physics/EE calculations going on in the background. Adam and Arwen were talking wind turbine stuff.
When we went to town for fireworks she randomly started doing this fake laugh that was cracking us up. Then after she'd laugh she'd say "Wanna see it!" She loves watching herself on the camera.
Jumping into the hot springs pool at Mt. Princeton. She's really getting comfortable in the water.
And here's one from around the house. One afternoon she piled stuffed animals into the laundry basket, climbed in after them, and insisted I take her picture.
In other general updates, we have been busy around the house. I'll post photos soon. We have finally gotten the front yard project underway. Yessss! We'll probably be working on it well into the fall, but I'm just glad to have gotten started.
We have had a prolonged battle with mild illness over the last month. Roan's double ear infection that she had on the camping trip didn't go away with the first round of antibiotics, so we had to start a second more intense round. The medicine gave her diarreah (a common side effect) and then she spiked a fever, started puking, and screaming about pain when she peed (NOT a side effect of the medicine). It had the doc stumped. We are keeping an eye on her. She hasn't run a fever in a couple of days so hopefully she's on the mend. We go see the doctor tomorrow. I've got my fingers crossed!
1 comment:
Yes, Alexnader cant wait for his baby brother to arrive. He will finally be able to point to everything and shout MINE! Like he did when we went to the kids science museum...
thats gonna be a fun ride.... :)
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