Monday, November 10, 2008

Well darn

It looks like a bunch of the photos in that last post are broken links. I'll have to fix that when I get a chance, sorry.

To compensate you, dear reader, for the pain and suffering the aforementioned broken links no doubt caused, I am uploading a couple of videos. Here is Roan this weekend discovering the fun of leaves piled up. She didn't quite understand jumping in with full gusto, but she's getting there.

Here she is having a grand old time showing off while The Moms were here. Doesn't she look just like Little Susie Who in The Grinch Stole Christmas with her striped pajamas and hair pulled up on top?

Now this next one is not all that exciting to watch for you or me, but I have to post it because Roan herself finds it to be a brilliant display of comedic genius. She begs to watch this video over and over again ("Baby hungry! 'Gen, 'gen"). In the clip she baits me to ask, "Is the baby hungry?" providing her an opportunity to reply emphatically, "No!" When we get to this part in the video Roan cracks up hysterically every time as if to say, "Damn I'm funny!"

Just a couple more pictures for this post. Last weekend Arwen spent a few hours at the welding shop creating some new house numbers for us. They turned out really cool. Here is a close up.

We of course discussed a design before he left for the welding shop, and I have to say he veered considerably from what we talked about. He was pretty sure there was no chance in hell I'd go for it. But what can I say, I am a really cool wife. And even though it's not quite what I had in mind I have to admit it's pretty freakin awesome! Now I'm trying to talk him into welding something funky for a handrail up the porch.

Here is our front porch.

Just for reference, here's what our house looked like when we bought it. What you can't see under that lovely vintage screen door [gag me] is that the front door behind it was a crappy hollow core interior door with the finish peeling off of it. I'm so happy it's gone! Now all we need is some landscaping up front and a couple of chairs to sit in...


Anonymous said...

What a darling Comedian. She is apparently so proud of herself as she shows off for the Mom's. Your home has never looked better - probably since it was new. And K and I both love Arwen's Handiwork. Talk to you guys soon - Love to All

Anonymous said...

You have definitely redeemed yourself for the blip with the pictures--such darling videos. It seems Roan's hair gets lighter with every picture--maybe the blond shows up more as it gets longer. She is so precious. I can't believe the difference in your home that some paint, a new front door, and a great house number made. Kudos to Arwen--that must have taken some time to cut out all those flames. Love you all, Grandma Carolyn