Thursday, March 29, 2007

"Don't be discouraged" midwife said today. "It's perfectly normal for first time moms" to be a week overdue and show essentially no signs of progress. That's right. No dilation. No effacement. No nuthin! She added, "You never know, you could go home and start having major contractions tonight." Uh huh. Right.

I won't lie. It bummed me out. Especially since every single day - I swear - there is more and more pressure, it is harder and harder to walk, and I couldn't help but think that we were getting somewhere. And now to know we haven't even gotten started yet... It sucks.

Darn. Oh well. There are a couple of things we can do on our own to help encourage labor, and the midwife recommended we go ahead and get started with those, especially since we'd like a natural childbirth. We didn't schedule an induction date yet, but she said the hospital feels strongly about not letting us go past 2 weeks overdue because of the rapid degradation of the placenta.

So the plan is to go back on Monday for an ultrasound (to check the amniotic fluid level), a "non stress test" to make sure baby and placenta are healthy, and to set a date for induction. At least the upside is we'll get to see the baby's sweet face again! And who knows... maybe we won't even make it till Monday. At least a gal can hope!


Anonymous said...

cheers from asheville - all they had to do was say "if this goes much farther, we're talking hospital instead of birthing center" and ej made her appearance! The induction scare technique usually works. keep saying that word to kiddo. They don't like losing control.

Stu said...

yeah in our class tonight the nurse said on average 1st timers are a week overdue. :/

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! is she shy or what?? maybe she is a cat person and the dogs are keeping her at bay? maybe she's a procrastinator... oh well, stay lighthearted, she is on her way...!!
lov, beryl and jim

Anonymous said...

Would you expect any less from an Aries? We are known for being stubborn & hard-headed creatures. MRM( Miss Roan Marie)is already doing her own thing. Don't worry, that beautiful little light will be here as soon as she is ready. If you get too impatient, eat mexican food. Works every time. Much,much love to you & Arwen & MRM. Ligaya

Anonymous said...

so what about now? Did the weekend prove fruitful? love Catherine

Anonymous said...

I guess I will be looking for Littlebeansprouted now. Congardualtions to you all.

Love, GGD

Joy N. Hensley said...

So, um, hello? Guessing the lack of post means you've had your wee babe? WE WANT PHOTOS!