Belly Shots I've managed to fall a little behind on posting belly shots, so now I'm making up for it. You can see the progression of the last 3 weeks. I'm officially 14 weeks today, and it seems like the peanut bump is really starting to become noticable. My clothes are getting tighter. I've especially noticed that all my t-shirts are too short. I have to wear something under them or risk peeking out.
So today I picked up a pair of maternity jeans and a couple of cute maternity tops. The jeans and one of the t-shirts are what I'm wearing in the Week 14 picture. It's nice to have some clothes that look good and feel good. I've missed being able to bum around in a pair of comfy jeans.
As far as what we've been up to lately, it's mostly been the boring practical to-do list type of stuff. Saturday we started our home search in earnest. We went out all day yesterday with a realtor to get a feel for what's out there. There is a lot to see in this neighborhood. By the end of the day we'd become interested in a totally different area than where we started.
We did manage to have some fun last night when our friends Amanda and Doug invited us to a party at one of their friends' houses. It was yet another experience of hanging out with a roomful of strangers who we almost instantly felt we had a lot in common with.
As far as pregnancy symptoms go, things are supposed to be changing for me now. Moving into the second trimester I'm supposed to be feeling less queasy and my energy level is supposed to be returning. Well I guess I'm halfway there. I seem to be back to eating almost all my normal foods. Except for some weird reason, Mexican food is tricky for me. But as far as my energy level goes, I've got a long way to go. I have been *so* tired all this week. Friday night I could've gone to bed at 6 pm. Tonight I plan to be in bed by 8:30. I don't know why the peanut is so tired lately. I guess all that growing is hard work. | Week 14 |
Week 13 |
Week 12 |
Just a reminder - if you haven't had a chance to vote in the "What should I knit next poll," be sure to scroll down and cast your vote!
You are just too, too cute. The peanut is poking right on. I love you my sweetie pie.
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