Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Did I mention we got 4 chickens? About a month ago. They were 4 and 6 weeks when we got them. They are all laying hens. Two barred rocks, one buff wyandotte and one gold laced wyandotte. (Not that that should mean anything to you.) And until last weekend, pretty much every spare minute after work and on weekends has been spent getting a coop built for them. Arwen designed it and did 99.9% of the construction. But I held his drill, handed him screws, and watched his 3 year old, so I considered it a family affair.

Last weekend we celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary and Mother's Day, but I think what we were happiest to celebrate was the completion of the chicken coop. Freeeedom!!!

I had a great Mother's Day, by the way. Roan made me some beautiful presents at school (a giant foam flower and a painted pencil holder). Our friends Jennifer and Conrad kept Roan on Sunday morning so we could go out for a quiet brunch date, just the two of us, to a restaurant in the neighborhood I've been wanting to try. It was a gorgeous day. (Hard to believe now, with it snowing/sleeting/raining outside!) We played outside most of the day. Roan and I went to the park and took her new tricycle for a spin, went out for ice cream, and we painted our nails to match (her idea). Lots of fun.

I will try and post some photos of our chicken babies and their new palace soon. Roan and I decided (since they're all girls) they are chicken princesses, and the coop Arwen built them is their palace. It is so fun to see them scratching around in there, at home.

Also I thought I'd mention today was a big first for Logan: his first day at "school." He started at the same daycare where Roan goes. In fact we took him to school this morning, which Roan got a big kick out of. Apparrently he was a bit fussy during the day, so his teacher brought him into the preschool room and asked Roan if she could cheer him up. She gave him a big hug, and at least to hear Mrs. Lindsay tell it, that completely turned him around. He was all smiles after that.

We also kept Logan on Monday for Jen and Micah. They've been trying to get the month of May covered childcare-wise, while Jen starts back at work and Micah's summer break hasn't kicked off yet. We had such a good time. We played inside, on the front porch, in the backyard, and we took a big trip to the park and packed a picnic, which Roan and Logan both enjoyed. Here are some photos of Logan from the park.

And they were considerate enough to have overlapping naps so I even managed to get a little rest myself! Roan got such a kick out of having Logan over. She never seems to get tired of making him smile. He's a wonderfully captive audience for her. "Logan watch this!" And he's very obedient. He never disagrees with her when she tells him what to do. No wonder she just loves having him around! She took these photos from him in the backard.

Also I should mention we had a visit a couple weeks back from Gramps and Great Grandma Carolyn. It was so good for Roan and Logan to get to spend some quality time with them. Here are a couple photos from a dinner out together.