We stayed at a wonderful home in Breckenridge that was comfortable and well appointed. It had a hot tub, a game room and a home theater. It was a fun and relaxing week. We put up a Christmas tree, Roan got lots of quality grandparent and aunt and uncle time, and Arwen taught me how to snoboard!!!
the adventures of two high school sweethearts from Texas raising kids in Denver, Colorado
Friday, December 28, 2007
Merry Christmas!
We stayed at a wonderful home in Breckenridge that was comfortable and well appointed. It had a hot tub, a game room and a home theater. It was a fun and relaxing week. We put up a Christmas tree, Roan got lots of quality grandparent and aunt and uncle time, and Arwen taught me how to snoboard!!!
Friday, December 14, 2007
What a crazy turn of events
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Overdue for an update
Roan's up to more of the same. More getting around, more making noises, eating more stuff... At the moment she has a little bit of a tummy bug. Awww, her first case of diarreah. Yet another precious milestone. She's been a trooper though. She's been crawling around and playing all day, making a squirt squirt sound from her back end. Sick and happy, no problem. Sick and miserable is a heartbreaker.
So here are some photos - I know that's what you REALLY want.
Here's Roan in her hat & coat from Grandma Fifa
Here's us together in our hats & coats
Here's Daddy goofing around with Roanie
Here she is with our nanny Lindsay. It has recently been brought to my attention that our nanny is HOT. Interesting that I didn't really notice before.
Here she is with a squinty smile. If you look hard you can see 3 out of 4 teeth.
And here she is measuring herself with my measuring tape.
That's our little cutie! I'll try to update in the coming week, but I'm making no promises. So if I don't get a chance to post again before Christmas, I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.
Monday, December 03, 2007
I'm going to eat your face off
Here are a couple of pictures from our Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving, by the way. We had a terrific one. Christina and Jan Mendelt were in town from Cincinnati, Charles and Josefa came in from San Fran, and Gavin, Andye & McKenna came over from Lyons (just outside Boulder). We had a fantastic meal, if I may be so bold as to toot our collective horn, with turkey, tons of delicious sides, wine and beer aplenty and killer desserts.
Roan is experimenting with lots of new sounds. Besides the familiar ma, da and ba sounds, she's added puh, fuh, guh and kuh. Sometimes when she looks at us she says mama or dada. But she also says mama and dada while talking to various and sundry inanimate objects. The one word she seems to comprehend and say reliably is "dog," or at least "daw." She says it all the time when the dogs walk in or out of a room. And when you say something along the lines of "doggy says woof woof" she laughs hysterically as if you're both in on the same joke.
Here's a little video of her doing some talking.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Now that wasn't so bad
Monday, November 26, 2007
A quick clip
well it was nice while it lasted
At least this time around it isn't a hugely disappointing turn of events. While we were enjoying several months of restful sleep and no-fuss naptimes, I was clever enough to just think "This is nice while it lasts." She seems to be in transition right now. Each nap is a little struggle. She's tired and grumpy for a long time before she'll finally go down. And it seems like she doesn't know what she wants a lot of the time. I certainly don't know what she wants half the time. There's a fair amount of crying going on. Including at this very moment. But at least I know that this is likely to be a temporary adjustment period before a new routine shakes out.
And I am definitely looking forward to the emergence of the new routine. Without one it's hard to plan a trip to the grocery store or a walk with other moms. By the end of the day i'm feeling taxed. Add to that the fact that my milk storage is running low and Roan isn't taking to formula yet, and you have a recipe for frustration. But so far I'm keeping it together. We're just taking it one hour at a time.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Then this past weekend we went up to Breckenride to see our friends Jay and Clover. They always do a pre-Thanksgiving dinner at their house because they usually travel over the holiday. All I can say is what could be better than TWO Thanksgivings in one week?! Yum!
Jen's friends Jan Mendelt and Christina are visiting this week from Cincinnati. They're a lot of fun, and there's a festive air in the house.
Arwen's mom and stepdad will be coming in on Thursday afternoon for a holiday visit. We're looking forward to seeing them!
This week I've been trying to get ahead on my holiday To Do list. Christmas cards will be ready to go out after Turkey Day, and I whipped up a quick Christmas stocking for Roan. Arwen tried to tell me that I really did not need to make her one, but I just couldn't see how. Since Arwen has a stocking his mom made him, and I have one my mom made me, there was just no way around it. Especially since I had scraps of red fleece from Jen's Halloween costume and flannel from the ill-fated diapers lying around. Today we did all the shopping for the big Thanksgiving meal, including a run to the local wine shop for some special wines and beers. We're ready for the holiday fun to start!
In Roan news, she has been a very busy gal lately. She is making tracks with her push toy, cruising across the room endlessly. When she gets stuck on the other side of the room she just rams whatever's in front of her and cries in frustration until someone comes over and turns her and the toy around. Then she's happily on her way again. She can keep herself entertained for ages with that thing! (Check out the video below)
I think I mentioned (?) she has a new tooth coming in up top. It is sooo cute! Although it has been causing her a little discomfort lately. Nothing a little ice can't fix though. She is starting to branch out into some other foods. She tried peas this evening. Not in pureed form, but actual steamed peas. Not only did she think they tasted bad, she also thought they stunk and they made her gag. Other than that they were great. She did rather enjoy picking them up and putting them in her mouth, she just didn't like actually eating them.
I've decided I'm ready to start introducing some formula. Up to this point Roan has gotten 100% of her milk from me. I'm really glad that breastfeeding has worked out so well for us. I certainly enjoy the time being cuddled up with her. But the pumping is a drag, and it's been a source of constant stress worrying whether there's enough milk in the freezer for Roan when she's with the nanny. This weekend we had a little mishap with the milk where we misplaced two days' worth and it spoiled. And then this morning I got up early to pump and my efforts were foiled when I later opened the freezer and discovered the bag I had used had a hole in it. I got all bent out of shape about it, and that's when I decided it just isn't worth the stress. So I called and talked to our pediatrician's nurse and she gave me some pointers. Hopefully Roan will take to it.
I'm going to attepmt to end this post with a video of Roan with her push toy. Last time I tried to upload a video it didn't work, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
This is what happens when Daddy "babysits"
Last night I went to yoga and when I got home Arwen showed me some pics he took of Roan while I was out. I nearly died when I saw the one above! I have never seen such an amusingly devilish look on her face before. How did he get her to DO that? And in the one at right, it looks like she really is taking a swig.
The funny thing is we're so protective about what she eats and drinks. Not only would we never let her have beer because of the alcohol, but ohmygod it also has WHEAT. No! Not the deadly wheat! It's on the list of highly allergenic foods that are to be avoided until she's over a year old, along with peanuts and the always feared and dangerous MILK. Just imagine the havoc that could be wreaked with a simple PB&J on toast with a glass of cold milk.
Last night I dreamt that we were at a family get-together and as usual lots of people were fussing over Roan. Next thing I knew someone (Uncle Rick - which I must say is totally in character ;) was feeding her chocolate chip cookies as fast as she could gobble them down. In my dream, my sense of outrage was so tremendous that I was instantly transformed from the sweet, polite woman I normally am to a raving, rabid Momzilla. The next thing I knew I was shouting and swearing at him about OHMYGOD THE SUGAR and SHE CAN'T HAVE WHEAT and DON'T YOU KNOW CHOCOLATE HAS CAFFEINE?!?! In my dream it was as though I believed Roan to have been inadvertently but permanently tainted through this careless act. As if I don't have enough legitimate things to worry about as a parent, my subconsious has to taunt me with this silly stuff in my off hours. Sheesh!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Busy, busy
On Tuesday this week we went and had family portraits made at JC Penny. Can't wait to share them with you! With Beryl's amazing talents in the family I've hesitated to do that till now (Note, this picture and the next one were taken by Beryl, NOT Penny's) but with the holidays coming up I figured what the heck. Plus I've been getting awfully sentimental about the fact that Roan is 7 months now and over halfway done being a baby. It's really feels like her baby days are slipping away like sand running through my fingers. Even though we have a million snapshots of her, it's comforting somehow to have a traditional set of portraits. That she will grow up is inevitable. It's a good thing. But at least we will have these reminders at the waypoints in her journey.
What was funny was that while I found getting family portraits a necessary and comforting act, Arwen was rather disconcerted by it. It wasn't just having to shave, wear a button up and forgo his usual socks with sandals. I think he was questioning whether this was the beginning of me trying to make us into the picture-perfect 1950's type of family. He also wasn't thrilled with the fact that I put her in a pretty white dress with a white bow in her hair. "How is she ever going to be a tomboy if we dress her like that?" he wanted to know. I guess I don't have an answer for him on that one.
Maybe it's a case of me rolling my eyes back in my head and going into Mommy Autopilot, but this was really important to me. It has always meant so much to have the annual family pictures from when I was a kid. I could look at those things endlessly, thinking about how Mom was so beautiful or how funny Dad looked in his 1970's suit. I want Roan to be able to look back and see all of us as we are now and draw her own conclusions.
So this week has also been about baby proofing. We still have a long way to go, but at least we've gotten started. Roan is into absolutely everything. The other morning I caught her chewing on the edge of the dog's bowl, which totally freaked me out. She is constantly on the move and she's most interested in anything that is not a toy. To her delight, she found the tupperware in the kitchen. I'm happy to have her make a mess or make noise as long as she's not going to kill herself with whatever she's into, so as far as I'm concerned the tupperware cabinet might as well have her name on it.
I am still amazed at what a happy baby she is overall. She just smiles and smiles all the time. She'll be crawling around the house just cracking herself up at what I can't tell. Or she looks over at the dogs and goes into hysterics just because puppies are so funny I guess. Except at the moment she's going through a cranky spell. She woke up grumpy from her nap yesterday afternoon and she's still a grump. This morning she woke up with a green runny nose, so she's probably coming down with something. Or maybe it's teething. At least I can say that when she's fussy it's because there's something wrong. Even if I can't figure out what that something is.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Recap of Lolli's visit & Halloween
We've had a lot of fun since last week. My mom (aka Lolli) came in for a long weekend and we had lots of fun. There are so many cute pictures from the last week I had a hard time picking the best. You can go out to Flickr to see the rest.
This is us down on Tennyson Street for the vendor's Halloween fair. We ran into some friends who live around the corner from us.
Roan made friends with another little froggy.
Arwen and I actually went to a Halloween party. Can you guess what we are? I'll give you a hint: We're a popular band. Notice the black eyes... and then the letters on our shirts.
Jen and Micah's costumes need no explanation. They looked fantastic!
We took a short drive to Red Rocks and had a look around.
Roan was in an unbelievably good mood day after day. Gee I guess it just takes having a half dozen people giving her constant attention all the time...
We also made it out to Estes Park one afternoon. It was a perfect, beautiful day.
Roan dipped her toes in the chilly mountain stream that runs through Estes Park. She not only didn't cry; she seemed to enjoy it!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Getting ready for Halloween
I am also working on her costume. I figured we might as well make use of the froggy hat & booties I knit her last year. The hat needed some pizazz though, so that's what I've been working on. I've been re-doing the mouth, which is almost done, and then I think I might add some buttons for the nose.
I think I hit a bit of a rough patch last week. Some weeks just feel like a struggle. But then you get past it and all is well again. I do consider last week a victory though, because I managed to go to the gym twice, vacuum the house twice, and meet up with mommy friends three times. It's been a little bit of an adjustment getting used to Roan's more active days (which I know not long from now when she's running around the house throwing things and shrieking I will look back on and laugh at how easy I had it). She is such a happy little gal, sometimes I wonder why it is I can't always just smile along. The up side of these changes are that she's showing more personality, and as a bonus she's been sleeping better. And for sleep, I've gotta remind myself, I must be grateful!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Jen and Micah ran out and got hot cocoa and apple cider. Then Jen made us the most fantastic omelets for brunch that we've ever had the pleasure of enjoying. And I lingered in the kitchen late, baking an apple pie with apples from a friend's trees and a recipe from my Granny.
Then this afternoon we broke down and bought Roan some new toys. She's been driving me crazy the past couple of days wanting me to hold onto her hands so she can "walk" around the house. I'm turning into the hunchback of Notre Dame following her around. So here she is at her new activity table pulling herself up. Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The new face of determination
Lately she's turned her attention more acutely toward pulling up. Whether in her crib, on furniture or using the nearest grownup as a prop, she seems to think it's even more fun than getting around on hands and knees.
The autumn weather is upon us here in Denver. The leaves on the trees are turning all kinds of gorgeous colors and starting to fall. We've even had some sweater weather in the last week! And up in the mountains they've already gotten snow. We are looking forward to winter.
Work is keeping us both really busy. And so is Roan. She is into everything these days. Don't know why I can't seem to remember that if I don't want her in it, I've got to put it out of her reach. One of these days I'll learn. She has been a lot of fun and very happy lately. But she's also been more of a challenge as well. She is without a doubt a sweet little girl, but there are times now where I see this little mischevious spark in her eyes and can tell the wheels are turning.
Sometimes it seems like she cries just to see how quick she can get a reaction out of us. And the other day she bit me twice - and the second time was intentional. She is throwing objects on a regular basis. If I can't keep a toy clipped to her in the stroller, it's going overboard. She won't stay put at all, not even in the tub. She crawls all around in the bath grabbing one toy and then another. And she gets grumpy when (for safety's sake) I won't let her hold onto the edge of the tub to pull up. She has been feisty lately! Good thing she's cute, I tell ya.
In all fairness I gotta give my little lady some much-deserved props. She has been sleeping through the night for the past week and a half. We started this routine while visiting in Houston 2 weeks ago, but when we first got home she was back to waking up several times a night. Now I put her down faithfully every night at 8 pm and she sleeps straight thru till 7 or 8 in the morning! It is heavenly. And she's been napping shorter but with much less grumbling. A good night's sleep makes all the difference in the world.
BTW, I've posted a few new pics on Flickr for your viewing pleasure. Remember, you have to login to see them.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Happy 6 Months
Roan is crawling a little. She doesn't get very far at a stretch. Instead, she likes to take a few knees forward and then plop over and sit for a while. She's quite proficient at going from being on all fours to sitting to lying down and back again.
Today was her 6 month checkup and Dr. Bacon was impressed by all of Roan's locomotive and cognitive abilities. She said she acts more like a 9 month than a 6 month old. Not that we're trying to engineer some super-baby over here. It's just comforting to know that she's developing well.
This past week or so she's grown out of a ton of her clothes. Today she measured 26 inches and she's 16 pounds 10 1/4 ounces. Roughly in the 70th percentile. In the last week or two she's gone from sitting with a boppy (support pillow) to sitting fine on her own to crawling to now... drumroll please... pulling herself up. Last night just before we put her to bed she pulled up in the crib, and then again this afternoon she did it again. I wasn't even watching at the time. I was busily reorganizing all of her clothing bins (putting away all that she's grown out of and pulling out the next size) when Arwen came in and exclaimed, "Honey! Look at the baby!" Sure enough she was standing in the corner of the crib with a big ol grin on her face. And then just to show off, she let go with one hand.
The other thing I thought I'd mention is that I have uploaded a ton of photos to my new Flickr account. I had thought I'd be able to store all my Roan pics at the site I'd previously directed you to, but that would far exceed their paltry storage limits. My Flickr photos are here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/vaughans/ but it requires a login. I will send out a big email. If you don't get one just let me know and I'll send you one.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Notes from Houston
Since we've been in Houston we have been *so incredibly fortunate* to have both Jim and Beryl and my mom and Stephen volunteer to watch her during the day so that I can work. And Roan has done pretty well, given that she's in a different environment and inevitably on a somewhat different routine, and away from Mama all day long. Not that she hasn't had her cranky or challenging periods, but all in all she seems to like the change of scenery. She'll probably be bummed when we go home to be back in her same old routine again.
Arwen and I aren't used to all the waking up early to drive in to work. Heck, we're not even used to having to get up and shower, shave and dress nicely every day - since we work normally from home. So we've been feeling a little groggy. And Roan has had a couple of tough nights where she's woken up multiple times. But even when she wakes she has let us lull her back to sleep without a feeding. And then last night she slept for 13 hours straight! I didn't get to see her before I left for work this morning, but my mom assured me she woke up happy as a clam.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Almost 6 months and almost crawling
Yesterday as you can see, she made it past meltdown and on into dreamland. She was so out of it, she was hanging half out of the stroller. Ah to be able to sleep like that and not get a crick in your neck! I love the little frowny face she gets when she's sleeping. She gets that from her daddy!
In other news, we are getting incredibly close to crawling (heaven help us!)